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U.S. Has Less Than a Month of Diesel in Stockpile

The diesel levels have the Biden administration concerned heading into winter and ahead of the November midterms.
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The United States has less than a month's supply of diesel fuel in its stockpiles, the lowest level in roughly 14 years heading into the winter months.

U.S. Energy Data released last week shows that the country has 25.4 days of diesel fuel in its stockpile. Levels of diesel fuel, used for heating, farming and trucking, have not been this low since spring 2008.

The Biden administration is particularly concerned about the diesel inventory heading into winter and ahead of the November midterms.

National Economic Council Director Brian Deese on Wednesday said diesel inventories are "unacceptably low" and "all options are on the table" for the administration to increase supplies and reduce prices, Bloomberg reported.

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