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Nearly Two Dozen U.S. Citizens and Legal Residents Escape Afghanistan with The Help of U.S. Veterans and Civilians

Project Dynamo co-founder says ‘more and more’ US citizens are trying to escape Afghanistan every day
Nearly two dozen US citizens and legal residents escape Afghanistan with the help of US veterans and civilians
The 23 U.S. citizens and legal residents landed safely at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday evening following a 48-hour trip. (Project Dynamo)

Fox News

Nearly two dozen U.S. citizens and legal U.S. residents met at a safe house in Kabul on Thursday evening to prepare for their long-awaited escape from Afghanistan, almost five months after the Pentagon announced that the last evacuation flight was off the ground in Kabul. 

About 48 hours after meeting at the safe house, the group of 12 adults and 11 children landed safely at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport following stops in the United Arab Emirates and Italy. 

The rescue was organized by Project Dynamo, a group of civilians and veterans who have dedicated themselves to helping U.S. citizens, allies, and legal residents flee the war-torn country. 

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