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Hamas’s Secret Plan to Establish Terror Base in Turkey: Report

In 2011 the Turkish government invited Hamas to establish offices in their country.

The Hamas terrorist organization planned to establish a secret operating base in Turkey to launch attacks against Israeli targets throughout the region, according to captured documents seen by The Times of London.

The printed materials, titled “Founding a Base in Turkey,” were reportedly discovered by IDF forces in the home of senior Hamas leader Hamza Abu Shanab.

The unnamed author of the proposal suggests that because of the pressure placed on the group by Israel, “there is no choice but to act with a major effort to establish military hubs, which will be the base for special operations that can strengthen the forces of resistance militarily, diplomatically, and morally."

"Therefore, we suggest establishing a security branch abroad that will be capable of carrying out intelligence and military operations in the future.”

The newspaper reported that arrangements would be undertaken in a three-year program to develop ways to train for assassination, kidnapping, and sabotage missions against the interests of the Jewish state.

Some targets mentioned in the summary included intelligence officials, influential citizens of Israel, and Israeli naval vessels.

The revelations come as Turkish President Recep Erdogan announced Monday that his country is treating over 1,000 of the terror group's operatives who had been wounded by IDF forces in Gaza.

In addition to providing medical support to the jihadists, the Turkish leader has been an outspoken critic of the war in the coastal enclave. Erdogan has on several occasions described Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct in the conflict as resembling the actions of Adolf Hitler and he has referred to the perpetrators of the October 7 massacre as being part of a “liberation group.”

On April 20, Erdogan hosted Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh for an official visit to Istanbul.

Earlier this month, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced that the NATO member would be joining the South African-led attempt to adjudicate Israel responsible for failing “to prevent genocide” against Palestinian civilians at the International Court of Justice.

Related Story: Turkey Joins the South African ‘Genocide’ Case Against Israel

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