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Iranian Empress and Princess Appear at French Senate in Support of Iranian Protesters


Iranian Empress Farah Pahlavi and her granddaughter Princess Noor Pahlavi, the eldest daughter of Prince Reza Pahlavi, were special guests of the French Senate Tuesday during special conference, “Woman, Life, Freedom! Iran, Revolt or Revolution?" which included French senators declaring their support for the Iranian national uprising against the Islamic Republic.

"Empress Farah Pahlavi, Princess Nour Pahlavi, I would like to say that we are extremely honored to be your host in the Senate this afternoon," said French Senator Bruno Retailleau in his opening remarks.

“Your presence gives greater weight to the message of support that this conference aims to send to the Iranian people and all those who embody the power and majesty of their civilization, meaning the Iranian women who have raised the storm of freedom in Iran," Retailleau added.

In addition to the remarks by Senators on the ongoing protests in Iran, the song "Barayeh" by Iranian singer Shervin Hajipour, which has become the recognized anthem of the current movement, was performed by a student choir for the event. Hajipour was arrested by the regime after his song, which poetically lists the grievances of the Iranian people, went viral.

Credit: Public Media

In early November, during an open session of the French Senate, lawmakers chanted the now common Iranian slogan "Woman, Life Freedom" to show support for the Iranian people. 

After the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Islamic morality police over her hijab wear and the subsequent protests throughout Iran that have endured into their third month now, lawmakers in France and other European countries have praised the revolution and have moved to enact sanctions against the Islamic regime for their brutal crackdowns of peaceful protesters.

A day before Empress Farah and Princess Noor's visit to the French Senate, the French National Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution to support the Iranian people, condemning in the "strongest terms the brutal and widespread repression" against "non-violent demonstrators." 

The measure also denounced the Islamic Republic's use of torture and called for "support for the Iranian people in their aspirations for democracy and respect for their fundamental rights and freedoms."

Following the measure's passage in the French Senate and the publication of a video of Senator Retailleau's speech, Prince Reza Pahlavi, son of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, tweeted appreciation and thanks for the Senator's statement and support for the Iranian people.

Many Iranians in Iran and abroad, continue to support the Pahlavi family and praise their commitment to supporting the people of Iran and their decades-long aspirations for a democratic Iran. 

Before being exiled in 1979, the Shah of Iran and the Empress were revered by many Iranians as well as by other countries for allowing women in Iran to have many of the freedoms that they are deprived of today.

During her time as Iran's Queen, the Empress engaged in various campaigns to improve the social and living conditions of women in Iran, including in education, sports, health, jobs, and other areas.

In the streets of Iran, videos have emerged on the ground of Iranian protesters chanting "Reza Shah, bless your soul" and other pro-Shah slogans, praising the late monarch and his grandfather Reza Shah. 

Under the Pahlavi monarchy, Iran became heavily westernized and modernized with economic development with the United States and its neighbors in the Middle East, both Arab and Israeli. 

Following the Shah's death from cancer, his son, Prince Reza, and his family, now living in the outskirts of Washington D.C., have been calling attention to the actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the human rights abuses against ordinary Iranians.

As protests continue in Iran, many young and old Iranians continue to chant slogans and display photographs of the Pahlavi family, with some hoping that the Empress, the Prince, and the Pahlavi family can return to Iran one day.

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