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Germany to Press E.U. for IRGC Terrorism Designation: Report


The German Press Agency reported on Monday that Germany, along with several other countries, is asking the European Union to classify the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

The proposal comes as the E.U. has previously opposed such a measure, citing the lack of any legal rulings showing that the IRGC has carried out any terror attacks within the political bloc.

This standard is now being challenged as a court in Düsseldorf determined that a 2022 attack on a synagogue in Bochum could be traced to “Iranian state authorities.”

If Brussels grants the request, the E.U. would be empowered to use its federal law enforcement resources to prosecute dissident harassment, espionage, sanctions evasion, terrorism, and other crimes of the regime in Tehran.

The news provider did not identify any of the governments that would be joining Berlin in the action, but Austrian lawmaker Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic praised the matter on her X account.

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