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Greece Makes Arrests Over Arson Attacks on Jewish Targets


Greek anti-terrorism authorities announced on Thursday the arrests of seven individuals suspected of two arson attacks against Jewish and Israeli targets in Athens earlier this year.

The officials stated that four of the accused, a Greek woman, two Iranians, and an Afghan national, allegedly used a homemade firebomb on May 15 to attack an Israeli-owned hotel and restaurant in the capital city.

The remaining three, identified as a Greek man, an Afghan, and an Iranian accomplice, are alleged to have taken part in another arson on June 18 targeting a local synagogue.

Five of those arrested have reportedly been ordered to remain in custody, while two have been released with restrictions.

In March 2023, Greek investigators foiled a similar plot in an incident that Israel’s intelligence services accused Tehran of planning.

Related Story: Cyprus Foils Iran Regime Terror Attack Targeting Jews with Help from Israel

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