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Hezbollah is Storing Islamic Republic Supplied Munitions at Rafic Hariri International Airport: Report

Rafic Hariri International Airport in Lebanon. flickr.com
Rafic Hariri International Airport in Lebanon. flickr.com

The Islamic Republic is storing large amounts of munitions at the Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut, according to a report by The Telegraph.

Sources told the British daily that since the start of the war in Gaza, large cargo flights from Iran have increased, and the shipments often include bombs, explosives, missiles, and rockets.

Some airport employees said that many are worried about working in the area because they are forbidden from examining the “mysterious large boxes” that arrive from regime sources.

“If they keep bringing in these goods I’m not allowed to check, I really believe I’ll die from the explosion or I’ll die from Israel bombing the goods,” is how one individual described his fears.

Another whistleblower described frequently seeing Wafiq Safa, Hezbollah's liaison and coordination chief, enter import holding rooms while maintaining that the terrorist has close ties to the customs workers.

When asked for comment on the matter, the Israeli military sent a statement to The Telegraph warning that if Hezbollah “were to target Israeli civilians from these sites, the IDF would have no choice but to react, potentially placing Lebanese civilians in harm’s way, causing international outrage toward the IDF.”

An unidentified security representative from the International Air Transport Association told the newspaper that his organization has “been aware of this for years, but we are unable to do anything without international legal action.”

Lebanon’s Minister of Public Works, Ali Hamieh, called the allegations “ridiculous” in a press conference responding to the story.

Related Story: Hezbollah Maintains Pressure on Israel’s North as Jewish State Debates Lebanon Operation

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