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Hezbollah Maintains Pressure on Israel’s North as Jewish State Debates Lebanon Operation

Members of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. AP
Members of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. AP

The Hezbollah terrorist organization fired 45 rockets into northern Israel on Thursday afternoon, continuing its eight-month-long campaign against the Jewish state.

In a statement, the Tehran-backed militants said that they targeted a military base near the town of Zar’it in retaliation for the elimination of one of their commanders earlier in the day.

There were no reports of injuries or property damage because of the incident.

The attack came a day after Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, claimed that he had obtained new weapons that could strike deeper and more accurately into Israel.

The incursion comes as senior IDF leadership announced on Tuesday that they had approved an operational schedule for a proposed invasion of southern Lebanon to directly confront the Hezbollah infrastructure that has been wreaking havoc on the area since the start of the October war in Gaza.

Related Story: The Muskets are Cocked: IDF Approves Battle Plans for Southern Lebanon

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