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New Gallup Poll Shows U.S. and U.K. with Lowest Confidence Scores Among G7


A new poll by Gallup Monday found the United States and the United Kingdom receiving the lowest confidence scores among the G7, or Group of Seven, the intergovernmental political organization that includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S.

According to Gallup, survey respondents were asked whether they had confidence in each of the seven countries, with 31% stating they had confidence in the U.S., while 33% of respondents said they had confidence in the U.K.

The countries that topped the list with the highest percentage were Canada and Germany, with 51% of respondents saying they had confidence in Canada and 61% in Germany.

Gallup noted that the confidence levels among American adults in the Biden administration since he has taken office have dropped from 41% in 2021 to 31% in 2022.

Several other countries had a majority of respondents confident in them, including 46% confident in France, 41% in Italy, and 43% in Japan.

According to researchers, the latest drop in confidence towards the U.S. and U.K. among the G7 countries is significant. In 2002, researchers found U.S. and U.K. had a 56% to 49% confidence level. The reasoning behind the confidence level drop includes America's lack of confidence in the government.

Gallup noted that other factors affecting U.S. confidence occurred during the Obama and Trump administrations.

The change in prime ministers in Europe, Brexit, and Britain's economy are reasons why the confidence levels in the U.K. have decreased, according to Gallup researchers.

In 2022, 46% approved of U.K. leadership, while 33% expressed confidence in the country. According to Gallup, from 2021 to 2022, confidence in the U.K. and the government has dropped from 61% to 38%.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, economic stagflation in the U.S., and the mass migration crisis in Europe, Europeans and Americans have continued to lose faith in their political leaders.

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