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Tehran Will ‘Change’ Their Nuclear Policy if Threatened by Israel

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei visits an exhibition of the country’s nuclear industry. AFP
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei visits an exhibition of the country’s nuclear industry. AFP

An advisor to the Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader said on Thursday that his country will change its nuclear policy if Israel threatens the ruling regime.

"We have no decision to build a nuclear bomb, but should Iran's existence be threatened, there will be no choice but to change our military doctrine," Kamal Kharrazi told a state-controlled student media service.

The senior official continued by stating that in the event of "an attack on our nuclear facilities by the Zionist regime, our deterrence will change."

The comments follow a statement made last month by the Islamic Republic's chief of nuclear security, Ahmad Haghtalab, who warned that if Jerusalem launches preventive strikes against their processing facilities, the weaponization of the country's fissile materials may be necessary.

Officially, Tehran’s nuclear program forbids any atomic research to be used for creating weapons, but international regulators have long doubted that this policy is accurate.

IAEA reports have noted that although Tehran is limited to enriching uranium to 3.67 percent purity, they have been creating a stockpile at 60 percent purity, with some particles as high as 84 percent.

In the U.N. agency’s last quarterly update, they estimated that the terrorist-supporting government could produce as many as seven nuclear devices in a month and over 13 in five months.

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