Foreign Desk Staff
1148 posts
Fauci Says U.S. Should Consider Domestic Flight Vaccine Mandate; More Planes Grounded
President Joe Biden, speaking to reporters on Monday, declined to say whether he endorsed a vaccine mandate for domestic air travel. The president has previously said he did not consider them necessary.
Omicron Surge and Storms Disrupt Air Travel For 4th Straight Day
Thousands of customers have been affected by the latest pandemic-driven travel disruptions since Christmas Eve, with airlines including United blaming a "nationwide spike in Omicron cases" in recent days.
CDC Cuts COVID Isolation Period Recommendation in Half
The updated guidance advises that after the recommended isolation period, people should wear face masks for at least five days to "minimize the risk of infecting others."
Biden Says He Agrees with GOP Governors: There’s ‘No Federal Solution’ To Pandemic
"There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level," Biden responded, before mentioning another Republican governor.
White House Clears Press from Biden Conference
Biden said there is 'no federal solution' in call with US governors
Taliban Restricts Long Distance Travel for Women as Hundreds Flee Across Border
Afghan women cannot travel more than 45 miles without a male chaperone.
Taliban Claims It Brought Security to Afghanistan After U.S. Withdrawal Despite Economic Collapse
Afghanistan’s economy is on the verge of total collapse
U.S., Russian Officials Set for Security Talks on Jan. 10 -U.S. Official
In May 2020, Benjamin Brière was arrested after taking photos in a desert area where photography is banned and asking questions on social media regarding Iran’s mandatory Islamic headscarf for women.
Tourist Imprisoned in Iran Begins Hunger Strike After Denied Christmas Call With Family
In May 2020, Benjamin Brière was arrested after taking photos in a desert area where photography is banned and asking questions on social media regarding Iran’s mandatory Islamic headscarf for women.