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224 posts
Israel: Majority of Antisemitism Online Stems from Pro-Palestinian Progressive Left
The overwhelming majority (68 percent) of antisemitism online originates from the pro-Palestinian progressive left, according to a new…
January 31, 2023
23 Percent of Dutch Millennials Believe Holocaust is Myth: New Survey Elicits Shock in Netherlands
Dutch Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz led a chorus of outrage Wednesday over a just-released report showing widespread lack…
George Washington University Professor Accused of Antisemitism Says Zionism is a Mental Illness
A clinical psychology professor at George Washington University teaches that Zionism is a mental illness and claims Jews…
January 20, 2023
NYC’s Top Prosecutor Lets Violent Jew-Haters Off Easy
Two men charged with battering a Jewish man will spend little to no time in jail for their…
January 19, 2023
U.N. Condemned Israel More than All Other Countries Combined in 2022: Monitor
The United Nations General Assembly passed more resolutions critical of Israel than against all other nations combined in…
January 3, 2023
Department of Education Opens Investigation into Berkeley Law’s ‘Jew-Free Zones’
The United States Department of Education (DOE) has launched an investigation of University of California, Berkeley, Law School…
December 22, 2022
New York Antisemitic Hate Crimes Up 125 Percent in November, NYPD Says
Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City during the month of November increased by 125 percent when compared…
December 6, 2022
New Survey Finds 1 Out of 4 U.S. Hiring Managers Are Antisemitic Towards Hiring Jews
A new survey by the San Francisco-based employment resource firm,, found that a quarter of United States…
November 29, 2022
New York Police Seize Weapons from Two Men Over Credible Threat to Jewish Community
The arrests come during a time of heightened anxiety concerning anti-Semitism, in New York City and beyond.
November 21, 2022
Civil Rights Inquiry Filed Against University of California Over ‘Discriminatory’ Berkeley ‘Ban’ on Zionist Speakers
A proposed ban excluding supporters of Zionism from speaking at student-hosted events at Berkley University is being challenged…
November 21, 2022