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Hamas-Linked Terror Group Attempts Rocket Launches from West Bank

Illustration - rocket launches. MAHMUD HAMS / AFP
Illustration – rocket launches. MAHMUD HAMS / AFP

A Telegram group named the Al-Ayyash Battalion, affiliated with the Az ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, linked to Hamas, posted a video on Monday of an attempted launch of two Qassam-1 rockets from the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Israel Defense Forces confirmed that a rocket was launched around the West Bank city of Jenin on Monday. It exploded in Palestinian territory and did not pose a threat to communities in the area. No injuries were reported. Security forces conducted searches in the area and the incident was under review.

A sign next to the rocket launcher read, "Al-Ayyash Battalion: Firing towards settlements, from Jenin in the Jezreel Valley using Qassam-1 rockets. Monday, June 26, 2023. The West Bank protects Jerusalem."

After thoroughly examining the incident, the Israeli security services reported that it no longer posed a threat to Israeli cities. This is the second such launch attempt in two months.

Earlier in May, videos of a rocket launch towards the northern West Bank settlement of Shaked were broadcasted from the village of Nazlat, not far from Jenin. After searches by Israeli forces, the launcher was located, along with the remains of a rocket that still contained explosive material.

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