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Hamas Official: 10/7 Divided Jews and Arabs, Was Successful

The terrorist official praised the attacks for setting back Israel’s relations with its neighbors and encouraging terrorist attacks by other groups.

Hamas terrorist official Ghazi Hamad said the October 7 attack was enormously successful because it damaged Arab-Israeli relations and encouraged further attacks on Israel.

Hamad, who promised more October 7-style attacks, said the 2023 attack that murdered 1,200 and wounded over 5,300 was "able to slap at the progress of the normalization of effort, and this is, of course, a very important political success."

He praised the attacks for dividing Israelis and uniting other terrorist groups against Israel, The Daily Wire reported of a recently translated interview Hamad gave earlier this summer.

"It is very important to note that after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, so many fronts became active," Hamad added. "[There] was the front in Lebanon, the front in the Red Sea, the front in Iraq, the front in Iran – all these fronts became more and more active, and it has changed the geopolitical positions and the situation in the region."

Hamad accused the Jews of committing crimes that "exceed what the Nazis did."

"They must be finished," Hamad said. "They must be completely isolated. They must be completely boycotted from every single sector – from universities, economically, [and] culturally – because this occupation is a complex structure that must be fought on all its fronts."

Hamad claimed Palestinians "will never accept anything less than" their "historical" lands.

"We do not believe in a two-state solution," Hamad added. "We will never recognize Israel, and [although] we might accept the creation of a Palestinian state or a Palestinian entity on the '67 borders with its capital as East Jerusalem, we would never recognize Israel."

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