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5 Professions AI Will Most Likely Replace


1. Technology-Centered Jobs

According to technology experts, with the demand for coding and computer programming skills, ChatGPT and other AI tools can fill positions once held by human beings. As technology companies are laying off hundreds of employees, tech experts are looking at ways ChatGPT could provide them with faster coding. Additionally, AI can conduct such jobs without needing rest or money from tech industries that want immediate results. Recently, Tesla CEO and tech business expert Elon Musk unveiled Tesla Bot, an automated android made to replace humans in dangerous and repetitive jobs in Tesla factories and other tech-related aspects. Some experts argue that AI could help coders instead of replacing them, given that the technology industry is continuously changing.

2. Financial Investment Jobs

As Americans are struggling with their savings plans and what the future might bring, AI could replace market research analysts, financial analysts, personal financial advisors, and others focused on personal finance. AI could take over the financial investment sector given its ability to collect numerical data and provide instant information to Americans. Tech experts say AI can find trends in the investment market and report what investments in a portfolio are good and bad quickly and through its collection of data. On trading and banking, experts say that ChatGPT and other AI systems like it could automate select tasks that current human knowledge workers are engaged in, allowing them to focus on high-value tasks.

3. Food Industry

Currently, restaurants lack the labor force for service and food costs continue to soar. Experts say AI can change and revolutionize the food production process by reducing human error, increasing safety standards, automating tasks, and improving product quality. The push by the food industry for more technology is nothing new, given that following the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants and grocery stores have relied on technology and apps on mobile devices to deliver and take orders from customers online. Fast-food chains like Carl's Jr. and Hardees have announced that they would use artificial intelligence in their drive-thru systems and other human positions. Experts say that AI could help these companies predict trends and find ways to create best-selling food products faster than humans. Regarding customer feedback, AI can look at how a customer will respond to specific interactions and then personalizes the experience, making recommendations based on what customers have had in the past.

4. Media and Advertising

Businesses are turning to new AI tools to write company reports ahead of earnings announcements much faster than ordinary human workers. In February, German Publisher announced plans to transition into "digital only," which includes job cuts in favor of "modern technology" and automation. Media outlets like Business Insider, CNBC, and CENT have used ChatGPT to write news stories for them in the past few months. In January, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti announced the company would rely on ChatGPT to personalize content and enhance quizzes, leaving many employees in disarray. In the advertising world, around 84% of marketers used AI in 2020, according to Salesforce research. Many high-performing advertising teams have around seven various methods of AI usage since 2020 and have increased in the following years. Experts say that AI is good at analyzing data, predicting outcomes, collecting data, and identifying trends for effective marketing and advertising.

5. Legal Services

AI systems like ChatGPT could affect legal workers in the US, given that legal service jobs are small and have been exposed to AI usage. Services that paralegals and legal assistants conduct, like consuming large amounts of information, processing what they learn, and making legal briefs and opinions, could be done by AI technology in a matter of minutes. Tech experts say that because these roles are heavily language-orientated, AI systems could easily take over these human jobs. However, some warn that AI will not be entirely able to automate these positions since they require an amount of human judgment to understand what a client or employer is seeking. According to Andrew Perlman, Suffolk University Law School Dean, ChatGPT and other AI bots have the potential "to address access to justice questions" and make legal services available to those who cannot afford them. Law experts also say that low-income Americans who lack legal help for their civil legal problems have begun using AI. Startup law services like Lawgeex have resorted to using AI services which allow them to read contracts quicker, claiming that such technology is more accurate than human workers.

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