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Zero GOP Professors in Nearly 3 Dozen University Departments Across Multiple Schools, Survey Shows

Just over half of surveyed departments had no Republican instructors.

A survey of multiple departments at several U.S. colleges revealed that more than half of them had no Republican professors teaching any subjects, what one commenter deemed a "wake-up call that higher education is severely biased and broken."

The survey, carried out by the conservative higher education outlet The College Fix, determined that "just 61 Republican professors [were found] across 65 departments at seven universities as part of a recent survey of professor party affiliations nationwide."

"A total of 33 of the departments had zero Republican professors identified within them — slightly more than 50 percent of all departments surveyed," the outlet noted. 

The dearth of conservative professors in so many departments showed that "the foxes are guarding the hen house,” Fix editor Jenn Kabbany said of the report.

“If parents, politicians and watchdogs wonder why students go into college as innocent and eager 18-year-olds and come out four years later as mouth-breathing progressive-socialist Democrats, look no further than the people teaching them what to think day in and day out at college," she argued.

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