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Talks Aimed at Reviving Iran Nuclear Deal to Resume in Vienna

The talks have made scant progress since they resumed in November after a five-month hiatus following the election of hard-line Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
Talks Aimed At Reviving Iran Nuclear Deal To Resume In Vienna
EU diplomat Enrique Mora, who announced last week the resumption of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna on December 27. (file photo)

Radio Free Europe

Talks to salvage the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are set to resume on December 27 in Vienna, with the chief EU negotiator calling for the pace of the talks to pick up and U.S. and Iranian officials expressing frustrations over substance.

EU diplomat Enrique Mora last week announced the date for the resumption of the talks on Twitter.

"Vienna talks to resume on Monday 27 December. The JCPOA Joint Commission will meet to discuss and define the way ahead," Mora, who is chairing the negotiations, said on December 23, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by its acronym.

"Important to pick up the pace on key outstanding issues and move forward, working closely with the U.S. Welcome to the 8th round," he added.

The talks have made scant progress since they resumed in November after a five-month hiatus following the election of hard-line Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

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