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Israeli President Isaac Herzog to Congress: Bond with U.S. is ‘Unbreakable’

The speech commemorates the 75th anniversary of Israel's statehood and reaffirms the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI
The speech commemorates the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood and reaffirms the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI

Israeli President Isaac Herzog addressed a joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday, receiving a warm welcome peppered with applause and standing ovations.

Delivering the address at the Capitol, Herzog said the U.S.-Israeli bond is "unbreakable."

"Israel and the U.S. will disagree on many matters," Herzog said. "But we will always remain family. Our bond may be challenged at times. But is absolutely unbreakable."

U.S.-Israel relations have cooled as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and hard-right members of his administration have sought to overhaul Israel's judiciary. Opponents of the proposal call it a threat to democracy.

Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden spoke on Monday and Netanyahu said they agreed to meet later in person.

Herzog told Congress the judiciary proposal is an effort to rebalance Israel's institutional powers. In a nod to Biden's request that Israel work toward consensus on the changes, Herzog said he is doing all he can to help.

Related Story: Israel’s Herzog Message for Radical Dems: Criticism of Israel Must Not Drift into Antisemitism

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