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In Bipartisan Vote, GOP-Led House Passes Israel Security Assistance Support Act

The White House says the bill “would undermine the president’s ability to execute an effective foreign policy” and declared that President Biden would veto it.
House Speaker Mike Johnson. Getty
House Speaker Mike Johnson. Getty

In a repudiation of President Joe Biden, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act passed in the House on Thursday with bipartisan support.

The bill passed 224-187, with 16 Democrats joining the Republicans.

According to the official text, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act specifies that no federal funds may be used "to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel the delivery of defense articles or defense services to Israel." Also, no funds may be used "to pay the salary of any Department of Defense (DOD) or Department of State employee who acts to limit defense deliveries to Israel."

Congress has passed more than $26 billion in aid for Israel as part of a $95 billion foreign aid package. Last week, Biden said he would pause weapons shipments to Israel if its military invaded Rafah, drawing sharp criticism from Republicans, such as House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.

The White House said the bill “would undermine the president’s ability to execute an effective foreign policy" and declared that President Biden would veto it.

“This bill could raise serious concerns about infringement on the President’s authorities under Article II of the Constitution, including his duties as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive and his power to conduct foreign relations,” said the White House in a statement of administration policy. “The President has been clear: we will always ensure Israel has what it needs to defend itself. Our commitment to Israel is ironclad."

Related Story: Cory Mills Draws Up Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden Over Delayed Israel Aid

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