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Several U.S. Military Watercraft Break Loose from Gaza Pier, Wash Up on Israeli Beaches

Israelis stand near a US Army vessel that washed up on a beach in Ashdod, May 25, 2024. (Liron Moldovan/Flash90)
Israelis stand near a US Army vessel that washed up on a beach in Ashdod, May 25, 2024. (Liron Moldovan/Flash90)

Four U.S. military support vessels involved in the construction of the humanitarian pier in Gaza broke free from their moorings after experiencing heavy surf on Saturday.

Two of the boats were reported to have been beached near the newly built dockage structure, while the remainder drifted eight miles north to the shoreline near the Israeli city of Ashkelon.

U.S. Central Command, the organization responsible for the equipment, announced that there were no injuries because of the detachment and that aid deliveries were not affected by the incident.

CENTCOM stated that no U.S. personnel would enter the area to recover the missing watercraft, so assistance was requested from Israeli forces.

The $320 million pier, funded by U.S. taxpayers, was completed on May 16, and began operations on Thursday.

U.S. officials expect the landing to bring 150 truckloads of food and medicine to the coastal enclave each day.

Related Story: Pentagon Says No Aid Has Been Delivered from Biden’s Gaza Pier

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