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Israeli Tanks Reported to Have Entered the Center of Rafah

Rafah after an Israeli strike on Tuesday. EFE
Rafah after an Israeli strike on Tuesday. EFE

Amid announcements that Israel was expanding its operations in Gaza, witness reports reveal that IDF armored units were seen for the first time maneuvering in the central part of Rafah on Tuesday.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that the tanks were spotted near the Al-Awda Mosque, a prominent landmark one kilometer from the Egyptian border, appearing to be en route to the municipality’s western neighborhoods. The advancement is the furthest incursion that Israel’s ground forces have made into the city.

Additional reports said that the Israeli Army had taken possession of Zoroub Hill, a strategically important location that overlooks the border with Egypt.

Local residents described the action as being accompanied by one of the heaviest nights of fighting between the IDF and the Hamas terrorist organization.

One woman, Faten Jouda, told AFP that there was "random bombing from all directions, including artillery shelling and air bombardment as well as firing from aircraft.”

Israeli military spokespersons did not comment on the movements but did disclose on Tuesday that the Bislamach Brigade joined the 162nd Division, which has been fighting in the area since the beginning of the month.

Related Story: Israeli Military Takes Control of Rafah Border Crossing

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