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11 Injured in Another Daily Hezbollah Attack on Northern Israel

An impact in Hurfeish June 5, 2024. twitter.com

Hospital officials in Israel announced on Wednesday that 11 more of their citizens were injured in a Hezbollah drone attack that targeted the Druze town of Hurfeish.

The almost daily assaults by the Tehran-backed militants have been a recurring security problem for the northern regions of the Jewish state since the start of the October war in Gaza.

A spokesperson for the organization said that the latest incident was in retaliation for Tuesday's IDF strikes on its positions in southern Lebanon.

Following the bombardment, Israel's military stated that they had conducted a series of operations against the terrorist's infrastructure in Ayta ash-Shab, Khiam, Matmoura, and Naqoura.

Israeli artillery units were also reported to have shelled several targets in the area.

The IDF’s response comes as the country’s top general, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, told commanders from the Golani Brigade on Tuesday that Jerusalem is deciding on stronger measures to put an end to Hezbollah’s eight-month-long terror campaign in the region.

Related Story: The Guns of June: Halevi Says Israel Nearing Decision on What to Do with Hezbollah

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