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Iran Regime Protests LGBT Celebration Held at Australian Embassy in Tehran

Canberra has maintained a diplomatic presence in Tehran since 1968.
Australian ambassador Ian McConville, center, poses with embassy staff to celebrate "Wear It Purple Day". instagram.com
Australian ambassador Ian McConville, center, poses with embassy staff to celebrate “Wear It Purple Day”. instagram.com

The Islamic Republic summoned the Australian ambassador over the discovery of a photograph from a party celebrating a gay and lesbian event held at the Commonwealth’s embassy on Sunday.

State media reported that on Tuesday, officials in Tehran asked Ambassador Ian McConville to appear for a reprimand and admonishment over the picture posted on a government-sponsored Instagram account, which commemorated “Wear It Purple Day,” an annual occurrence aimed at supporting LGBT youth.

A diplomat from the regime’s foreign ministry told the Mehr News Agency that the "content published by the Australian embassy is insulting and contrary to Iranian and Islamic tradition, customs, and culture."

Homosexuality is strictly prohibited in the repressive theocracy; individuals can be subject to execution if they are found to have engaged in the practice.

The offending image was still displayed on the popular social media platform as of Wednesday morning.

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