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U.S. Sanctions Venezuelan Officials Over Disputed Election

Demonstrators protesting the outcome of the election in Venezuela. The New York Times

The United States announced new sanctions on Thursday against the Maduro regime in Venezuela, in response to last summer’s disputed presidential election.

The U.S. Treasury Department restrictions reportedly target 16 individuals from the South American country’s Supreme Court, prosecution services, and security agencies.

The move follows the decision by Venezuela’s National Electoral Council to declare the incumbent, Nicolás Maduro, the winner over challenger Edmundo González shortly after the polls closed on July 28.

The results came under intense scrutiny by opposition members after their leader, Maria Corina Machado, was able to obtain voting machine tallies showing Maduro receiving 30 percent support, an amount far less than his official award of 51 percent.

The election’s outcome garnered criticism from the European Union, the Organization of American States, and the State Department before González was ultimately forced to enter exile in Spain on September 8.

Related Story: “We Can Prove It” Venezuelan Opposition Declares Victory with More Than 6 Million Vote Lead

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