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Dozens of Chinese Aircraft Enter Taiwan Air Defense Zone

Taiwan scrambled fighter jets in response to an incursion by 37 Chinese aircraft into its air defense identification zone Thursday, the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense said. Photo courtesy of Taiwan Ministry of Defense/UPI
Taiwan scrambled fighter jets in response to an incursion by 37 Chinese aircraft into its air defense identification zone Thursday, the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense said. Photo courtesy of Taiwan Ministry of Defense/UPI

Taiwan detected 37 sorties by Chinese military aircraft into its air defense identification zone Thursday, the island's Defense Ministry said.

The ministry said that it detected Chinese J-11 and J-16 fighters and H-6 bombers, as well as transport and early warning aircraft, flying into the southwestern part of Taiwan's ADIZ starting at 5 a.m.

Some of the planes continued flying into the western Pacific and "carried out aerial surveillance and long-distance navigation training," the ministry said in a statement.

Taiwan scrambled aircraft and ships and activated shore-mounted missile systems to monitor the large-scale incursion, Beijing's latest in a steady stream of provocations that Taipei calls "gray zone" warfare meant to strain the island's defense capabilities and wear down its morale.

China considers the democratic island of 23 million a wayward province and has vowed to seize control of it by force if necessary. Taiwan has never been a part of the mainland People's Republic of China, which was founded in 1949, and rejects Beijing's sovereignty claims.

Related Story: ‘Everybody’s Guessing’: Pentagon Tells Congress U.S. Needs to be Ready for Chinese Invasion of Taiwan Any Moment

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