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Report: U.S. May Never Catch Up to China in Some Military Areas

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley called Chinese hypersonic missile tests “very concerning.”

A recent analysis conducted by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that China's advancements in military technologies have placed the United States and its allies at a significant disadvantage, potentially hindering their ability to catch up.

The ASPI report, which examined the most influential research papers, reveals that China leads in 19 out of 23 crucial categories, many of which are pivotal to Beijing's quest for political and military dominance in the Indo-Pacific region.

The study highlights China's commanding position in areas such as hypersonic, electronic, and undersea warfare. The report further speculated that China's lead in these domains is so substantial that it raises concerns about the country's potential to dominate future technological breakthroughs in these fields.

The report emphasizes that China's dominance is particularly pronounced in hypersonic technology, where the nation is responsible for over 73% of all high-impact research, surpassing the combined efforts of the United States and the following eight countries.

While China appears to be leading in several critical areas, the ASPI analysis acknowledges that the United States maintains an advantage in research related to autonomous systems, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

The report emphasized the need for concerted efforts to strengthen technology cooperation among U.S. allied nations in order to address these imbalances effectively.

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