Foreign Desk Staff
1147 posts
Growing Research Chronicles Toll COVID Lockdowns Imposed on Children
Brown University study forecasts a generation with lower IQs, diminished social skills
More Than Half of U.S. States Will Raise Their Minimum Wage in 2022, But Employers Are Hiking Pay Faster
“We were a leader in pushing for a $15 minimum wage, but now we have to move the ball forward and farther. It’s overdue for $18,” Sanberg told the Los Angeles Times.
IRS Says Income from Stolen Goods and Illegal Activities Must Be Reported on Taxes
The IRS says bribes and kickbacks must also be reported
Biden Mocked for Celebrating Historic 2021 Economic Record
Biden failed to cite which analyst made the claim, leading to some users to mock the president's claim
Abbas Said to Warn Gantz Changes on Temple Mount Will Lead To ‘Unstoppable’ Violence
Reports say PA leader repeatedly expressed commitment to stop violence in West Bank, but voiced concern over Jerusalem escalation during meeting with defense minister
Iran Reads What Israeli Officials Say, And Claims It Is Winning
When Iran wants a fact to be true, they wait to see if Israelis are also saying the same thing.
Russia, U.S. Officials Say They’re Coordinating on Iran Nuclear Talks in Vienna
U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin were likely to discuss the Iran nuclear talks on Thursday, a senior Biden administration official said, when they are due to have a virtual meeting.
Biden Accepts Putin Request for Phone Call Ahead of Talks on Ukraine
A senior administration official said they could not speak specifically to why Putin had requested the phone call, but noted that Biden is always prepared to speak directly with his counterparts at times of heightened tensions.
Biden and Putin to Speak on Thursday Amid Ukraine Tensions
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters the call was planned for "late Thursday evening," without elaborating.
Pentagon Awards $136.7m Contract for Domestic Production of Material Critical for Rapid Covid-19 Tests
COVID-19 tests have been in short supply in the U.S. as the spread of the highly-transmissible omicron variant has driven a surge in cases.