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U.S. Sanctions Chinese Entities Accused of Supporting N. Korean Missile Program

U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit North Korea’s development of nuclear payload delivery.
Korean Central TV
Korean Central TV

On Wednesday, the United States Treasury Department announced new sanctions on six Chinese individuals and five businesses who are accused of providing prohibited assistance to North Korea’s ballistic missile program.

"The DPRK's continued development and proliferation of its ballistic missile technologies, in violation of U.N. sanctions, is both irresponsible and destabilizing for both the region and the international community," Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson said of the matter.

"The United States remains committed to using our tools to enforce these international sanctions, including disrupting the illicit procurement networks that provide key inputs for these technologies and holding accountable those who seek to enable these activities," he added.

The department alleges that the regime in Pyongyang makes wide use of foreign agents to acquire restricted aerospace components, while providers often repackage the materials to conceal their origin, contents, and destination.

Last month, the rouge nation launched two projectiles in response to the completion of regional joint military exercises by the U.S., Japan, and South Korea.

Related Story: North Korean Missile Fired by Russia Contained U.S. Electronics, Report Says

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