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Iran Regime Behind European Terror Networks: Mossad Report

Israel's embassy in Stockholm. AP
Israel’s embassy in Stockholm. AP

Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, released a statement Tuesday accusing the regime in Iran of funding and directing European terrorism networks, particularly those targeting Israel’s embassies.

The report highlighted the activities of two criminal groups, Sweden’s Foxtrot and Rumbia, as being of particular interest to the Jewish state’s security institutions.

The incident that led to the investigation was reportedly last January’s grenade attack on the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm, which officials in Jerusalem allege was carried out by members of the Foxtrot gang.

The Mossad stated that Foxtrot’s leader Rawa Majid, a Swedish and Turkish citizen known as “the Kurdish Fox,” was recruited by Tehran to engage in terror attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets in Europe after fleeing to Turkey in September because of an INTERPOL warrant.

Swedish intelligence officials confirmed the findings, accusing the Islamic Republic of illicitly operating in its country for years.

Swedish authorities have accused Foxtrot in the past of being involved in murder, drug trafficking, and non-political bombings.

Rumbia, a rival gang headed by Ismail Abdo, was implicated by the Mossad in a May 17 shooting at the Stockholm embassy.

In that occurrence, a 14-year-old suspect was detained who allegedly told local police that Israel’s diplomatic property was his intended target.

The information comes as Mossad director David Barnea announced in September that his agency, in coordination with its foreign allies, interrupted 27 attempts by Iran’s governing regime to target Israelis on several continents.

Related Story: Hand Grenade Thrown at Israeli Embassy in Stockholm

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