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Netanyahu Arrives in U.S. as Biden Meeting Remains on Hold

Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the press before departing to Washington, DC. GPO
Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the press before departing to Washington, DC. GPO

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Monday for his planned Wednesday address to the United States Congress amid concern that a Tuesday face-to-face meeting with Joe Biden has reportedly been cancelled due to the President’s recent COVID diagnosis.

Netanyahu is still scheduled to meet with senior administration representatives, lawmakers, and Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Harris will be participating in a campaign event in Indianapolis on the day of the Congressional speech, joining several other members of her party in choosing not to be in attendance.

Among the topics likely to be discussed with U.S. officials will be the finalizing of ceasefire negotiations with the Hamas terrorist organization over the war in Gaza.

It is not known if Netanyahu will meet with former President Donald Trump during his visit, as a recent report in Politico suggested that such a gathering was personally requested by the Prime Minister.

Related Story: Netanyahu to Make Record Breaking 4th Address to U.S. Congress

Related Story: Democrats Planning Large Response to Netanyahu’s Congressional Speech this Summer: Report

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