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Democrats Planning Large Response to Netanyahu’s Congressional Speech this Summer: Report


Democrats are planning a large and organized response in protest of a planned speech to the United States Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in July, according to a report by Axios.

Six sources told the news outlet that many in the party are upset at Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza and are already involved in preparing counterprogramming activities.

The proposed actions reportedly include organized vigils and media presentations with some of the families whose loved ones are held hostage by the Hamas terrorist organization.

In 2015, the last time Netanyahu spoke to U.S. lawmakers, 58 members and Vice President Joe Biden refused to show up to the session. This year, one source told Axios that several leftist representatives are expected to be in attendance for the purpose of disturbing the function.

Although there have been past objections to Netanyahu’s presence at the institution from non-mainstream elements of the Democratic caucus, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the assistant Democratic leader, told Politico that he has attended at least one meeting related to the event’s disruption.

Netanyahu’s appearance will be the fourth time that he has accepted an invitation to speak to Congress, breaking the previous record set by Winston Churchill.

Related Story: Netanyahu to Make Record Breaking 4th Address to U.S. Congress

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