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Hezbollah Releases Drone Footage of Sensitive Locations in Israel

A still image of Haifa Bay from footage of northern Israel claimed by Hezbollah to have been captured with a drone. twitter.com
A still image of Haifa Bay from footage of northern Israel claimed by Hezbollah to have been captured with a drone. twitter.com

On Tuesday, the Hezbollah terrorist organization posted drone footage showing sensitive military locations in northern Israel on its Telegram channel.


The recorded information included a 9-minute compilation of images indicating Haifa Harbor and its adjoining naval base, chemical storage tanks, infrastructure that appeared to be part of Israel’s submarine program, several warships, and an airport.

In addition to the maritime photographs, the presentation included pictures of what the Tehran-backed militia claimed were anti-aircraft missile batteries belonging to the Jewish state and a neighborhood in Kiryat Yam.

The incursion appeared to have penetrated 17 miles into Israeli territory.

Military officials in Israel did not respond to local media requests about the incident but did confirm that they had eliminated three “suspicious aerial targets” over the Western Galilee shortly after the material was published.

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