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Netanyahu Disbands War Cabinet After Gantz Departure


On Monday, Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office announced that the country’s war cabinet has been disbanded. A successor organization is not expected to be created.

The small, five-person group was formed four days after the October 7 massacre in southern Israel at the request of National Unity Party Chair Benny Gantz.

Operating with a voting membership that also included Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the decision was reportedly made because of Gantz’s June 9 removal of his party from the government.

Likud MK Ron Dermer and National Unity MK Gadi Eisenkot served as observers on the committee.

Media reports in Israel have suggested that contributing to the decision to end the arrangement was the insistence by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to be included in the panel’s decision-making, something that the participants were reluctant to do.

The responsibilities of the now-defunct institution are likely to be handled by the permanent State Security Cabinet.

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