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U.S. Sanctions Tehran and Moscow Over Transfer of Ballistic Missiles

David Lammy and Antony Blinken in London Sept 10, 2024. AP
David Lammy and Antony Blinken in London Sept 10, 2024. AP

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Tuesday that the United States is imposing new sanctions on the Islamic Republic and their Kremlin allies over the transfer of ballistic missiles to the Russian military.

The sanctions will reportedly target businesses and individuals in the two countries and include the airline Iran Air for allegedly transporting the munitions.

The action comes amid reports by U.S. intelligence services accusing the regime in Tehran of providing a shipment of 200 Fath-360 missiles for the presumed use by Moscow against the armed forces of Ukraine.

Speaking alongside his British counterpart, David Lammy, Blinken told reporters in London that “Russian military personnel have been trained in Iran to use the FATH-360” while expecting their deployment against Ukrainian positions “within weeks.”

The foreign ministers of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom released a statement describing the weapons deal as “a direct threat to European security.”

Related Story: Islamic Republic Lawmaker Admits Tehran is Sending Missiles to Russia After Weekend Denials: Report

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