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Danny Danon Nominated for Second Term as Israel’s U.N. Ambassador

Danny Danon at the U.N. in 2020. AP
Danny Danon at the U.N. in 2020. AP

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced on Sunday that they will appoint Likud MK Danny Danon to replace the outgoing Gilad Erdan as the Jewish state’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

“MK Danon has considerable experience in the international arena, and there is no doubt that his talents and experience will find expression at this time,” the prime minister’s office said in a press release on the nomination.

The appointment, if approved by the Knesset, will be Danon’s second term in the position, having previously held the ambassadorship from 2015–2020.

Danon released a statement on the nomination, saying, “At a time when the State of Israel is fighting on a large number of fronts, each of us must do the best within our skills and experience. This is how I acted in the past, and this is how I will continue to act in the future.”

“In the face of the diplomatic terror that rears its head these days, I am obliged to present the truth for the sake of the people of Israel and our common future in our homeland,” he continued.

The presumptive envoy will take his position as Jerusalem has come under fire from many U.N. members over the war in Gaza, a growing movement to admit the Palestinian Authority as a bona fide state, and Israel’s defendant status in a South African-led ‘genocide’ trial at the world body’s International Court of Justice.

Related Story: In The Lion’s Den: The challenges of defending Israel at the U.N. and in the media

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