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Houthi Attacks Hit Two Ships in Gulf of Aden

HMS Diamond. Royal Navy
HMS Diamond. Royal Navy

The U.S. military announced on Sunday that Houthi rebels attacked two commercial vessels in the Gulf of Aden this weekend.

In separate incidents, the Tehran-backed proxy group fired anti-ship ballistic missiles at the Swiss-owned container ship M/V Tavvishi and the German cargo carrier M/V Norderney. Although damage was reported by both operators, no crew injuries were announced after the altercations.

A Houthi spokesperson, Yahya Saree, claimed on X that his organization also targeted the British warship HMS Diamond, an allegation that was denied by the Royal Navy.

In mid-October, the Yemen-based militants announced a campaign to disrupt the region's ocean-going transport companies to show solidarity with the Hamas terror group as they fight Israel in Gaza.

Their efforts have also included hijacking attempts and direct incursions targeting the southeastern area of the Jewish state.

Last week, the Houthis released a video showing their first use of a mobile solid-fuel rocket, which experts have suggested was provided to them by the Islamic Republic, a known arms supplier to the terrorists.

Related Story: U.S. and U.K. Resume Strikes on Houthis as Terror Group Steps Up Shipping Attacks

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