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U.N. Security Council Approves Biden’s Gaza Ceasefire Plan

The U.N. Security Council votes to approve its first resolution endorsing a cease-fire in Gaza, June 10, 2024. un.org
The U.N. Security Council votes to approve its first resolution endorsing a cease-fire in Gaza, June 10, 2024. un.org

The United Nations Security Council on Monday approved a three-phase ceasefire proposal that was announced by the Biden administration on May 31.

The powerful committee’s resolution, which calls on Israel and Hamas “to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition,” passed with 14 members in favor, none opposed, and one abstention by Russia.

"Today we voted for peace," the U.S. representative, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said of the measure that came after three previous versions were vetoed by her office.

Representatives from Hamas welcomed the effort, indicating that the terror group would cooperate with the plan if the terms were "consistent with the demands of our people and resistance."

A diplomat from Israel’s U.N. delegation, Reut Shapir Ben-Naftaly, reiterated Jerusalem’s stance on the issue, saying that the Jewish state “will continue until all of the hostages are returned and Hamas’s military capabilities are dismantled.”

Ben-Naftaly confirmed that upon the release of the Jewish captives held by the Gaza-based jihadists, “not one shot would be fired.”

Related Story: ‘Alternate Version of Reality’: Hamas Could Come Back to Haunt Israel Under Biden’s New Gaza Ceasefire Plan

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