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Every Region of Chile Rejects Communist-Drafted Constitution Promoted by Unpopular President

Would have guaranteed more than 100 rights including “culturally relevant food,” abortion, universal healthcare and Chileans’ right to develop their “personality, identity and life projects”.
Opponents of the new Constitution celebrate in the streets the results of a plebiscite on whether the new Constitution will replace the current Magna Carta imposed by a military dictatorship 41 years ago, in Santiago, Chile, Sept. 4, 2022.
Opponents of the new Constitution celebrate in the streets the results of a plebiscite on whether the new Constitution will replace the current Magna Carta imposed by a military dictatorship 41 years ago, in Santiago, Chile, Sept. 4, 2022.

Chileans were not impressed by the far-left constitution promoted by President Gabriel Boric, whose disapproval has shot past 50% since he took office in March with only 20% disapproval.

The Economist reports that all 16 regions of Chile voted against the proposal, whose 388 articles would have guaranteed Chileans more than 100 rights from "nutritionally complete and culturally relevant food" to abortion, universal healthcare and the freedom to develop their "personality, identity and life projects."

The constitution, opposed by 62% of voters, would have also imposed a 50% minimum quota for women on elected bodies and created separate governing and justice systems for indigenous Chileans. The drafting convention members were appointed by a leftist coalition that included the Communist Party.

A pro-constitution event a week before the vote featured a drag queen who "had the national flag pulled out of his rectum while his bandmates encouraged the audience to 'abort Chile,'" the Economist reported.

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