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White House Offered Intelligence on Hamas Leaders if Jerusalem Calls Off Rafah Operation: Report

Haim Zach/GPO
Haim Zach/GPO

The Biden administration has offered to give Israel intelligence on the location of senior Hamas leaders if Jerusalem agrees to cancel their proposed military operation in Rafah, four sources told The Washington Post on Saturday.

The capabilities that the United States is promising will reportedly allow the IDF to engage in a more targeted effort to eliminate the terror group’s commanders rather than risk civilian casualties in a broader offensive.

In addition to the valuable information, The Post noted that the White House would also assist in the development of the humanitarian infrastructure that is needed to care for the displaced non-combatants in the area.

The report comes as the White House has expressed its deep concerns over any incursion into the Gazan border city. The resistance from Washington has been so strong that last week, President Biden told CNN that he would stop U.S. military assistance to the Jewish state if they implemented their invasion plans.

On May 8, Pentagon officials defended the suspension of a shipment of munitions to the IDF, citing concerns that they would be too dangerous to use if they were deployed in Rafah.

The IDF currently controls the major north-south road and the border crossing with Egypt in the city because of a limited maneuver that was completed May 7.

Related Story: Biden Admin Confirms and Defends ‘Pause’ in Military Assistance to Israel

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