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Hamas Terrorists Attack UNICEF Convoy with Mortar Fire

A screenshot of a video released by the IDF showing soldiers and members of a UN aid convoy taking cover during a mortar attack in central Gaza on June 25, 2024. twitter.com
A screenshot of a video released by the IDF showing soldiers and members of a UN aid convoy taking cover during a mortar attack in central Gaza on June 25, 2024. twitter.com

The Israeli military on Tuesday published footage showing Hamas operatives firing a mortar round at a United Nations convoy in central Gaza.

The incident occurred when IDF forces were escorting a UNICEF detachment tasked with transporting Palestinian children to their families in the southern part of the coastal enclave.

"During the coordinated activity, the Hamas terrorist organization fired a projectile at the humanitarian route near the UNICEF aid convoy and IDF soldiers securing the area," a statement read.

The munition can be seen detonating near a U.N. vehicle.

A spokesperson confirmed that no one was injured in the attack, and the entourage arrived safely at their intended destination.

Related Story: Hamas Still Using UNRWA Facilities for Terror Operations

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