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French Authorities Investigating Death Threats Sent to Israeli Olympic Athletes


The Paris prosecutor’s office announced on Sunday that they are looking into reports that three members of Israel’s Olympic Team were sent threatening emails.

Officials also stated that they are investigating Friday’s release of several of the athlete’s personal information on various social media sites and are working on having the offending materials removed.

Sources told AFP that investigators have not determined if a foreign country is behind the incidents, despite warnings last week from Jerusalem that the Islamic Republic might target its competitors and citizens during the event.

The revelations come as Olympic organizers asked local authorities to examine allegations of anti-Israel conduct by spectators at Saturday’s soccer match between the Jewish state and Paraguay.

During Israel’s 4-2 loss in the Men’s Group D game, a banner was unfurled that said “Genocide Olympics” while many attendees jeered the Israeli national anthem, waived Palestinian flags, and made antisemitic gestures throughout the 90-minute competition.

The Israeli delegation arrived for the international contest accompanied by personnel from the Shin Bet security service and were given assurances from the French Interior Ministry that participants would be provided with 24-hour police protection.

Related Story: Jerusalem Warns France of Tehran-Backed Olympic Terror Plot

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