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U.K. Sanctions Russia Over Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Ukraine

Chloropicrin was originally developed for use as a soil insecticide.

On Tuesday, the United Kingdom’s foreign ministry announced new sanctions targeting the Russian armed forces for their alleged use of a prohibited chemical weapon in Ukraine.

The restrictions, which include an asset freeze and travel ban, follow allegations of Moscow deploying hazardous materials against Ukrainian soldiers, including the banned choking agent chloropicrin.

The measure will reportedly affect the leadership of Russia’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Corps and two laboratories operated by the country’s military leadership.

In May, the U.S. State Department also accused the Kremlin of using the toxic WWI-era aerosol to “dislodge Ukrainian forces from fortified positions and achieve tactical gains on the battlefield."

Related Story: U.S. Accuses Russia of Using Chemical Weapons Against Ukrainian Soldiers

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