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Columbia Professor Says Mainstream Media is ‘Owned by Jews’ and Tells Students to Avoid It: Report

Columbia has experienced many anti-Israel protests throughout the year, resulting in the school’s commencement being canceled.

The Columbia University task force on campus antisemitism reported an incident in which a professor allegedly told students to avoid mainstream media because it is "owned by Jews."

That incident was cited in the task force's report, which was obtained by the Israeli publication, Haaretz. Such incidents of antisemitism have been rampant at Columbia since the Hamas attack against Israel on Oct. 7, according to Fox News.

The report noted that specific instance in which a professor allegedly said that Jews owned mainstream media and told students not to watch it.

"There should be no reason in an academic institution, which is supposed to foster free thinking, that a professor should espouse hate and ever speak that way in and out of the classroom," a Columbia student named Avi told Fox News Digital in response to the report.

The report also noted that some professors had encouraged students to take part in the anti-Israel protests on campus or in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Some students said they were offered extra credit, and even conducted classes at the demonstrations, according to Haaretz.

Columbia has experienced many anti-Israel protests throughout the year, resulting in the school's commencement being canceled.

A more recent protest took place at an alumni event where an encampment was set up.

Related Story: Columbia University Suspends Press Access on Campus Amid Pro-Palestine Protests

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