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Oops! Antisemitic Radical Attacks What She THOUGHT Was Jewish School

‘Yes. I did it on purpose’
Ruba Almaghtheh. wnd.com
Ruba Almaghtheh. wnd.com

An anti-Semitic radical who was described by police in Indianapolis as a "terrorist" was infuriated by the fact that Israel was responding to the terror attack by its civilians by members of Hamas.

So she spotted a school with a sign containing the Star of David and deliberately ran her car into the building, police reported.

No one was hurt, but a report in National Review explained that the scheme by Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, an "Arab-American," was a big backfire.

What she thought was a Jewish school actually belonged to a group called the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge, a sect of Black Hebrew Israelites who themselves are anti-Semitic.

Members, African-Americans, say they are the "true" descendants of Israel.

A police report accessed by local reporters said officers were summoned to investigate a "hate" crime at the school, and Almaghtheh was arrested on charges of criminal recklessness.

"Almaghtheh allegedly told officers that she had been watching news coverage of the Israel-Hamas war and 'couldn’t breathe anymore,' which led her to plan an attack on the building. The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said she referenced 'her people back in Palestine' and told officers, 'Yes. I did it on purpose,'" National Review reported.

The report said an investigation was under way, but the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis confirmed Safe Indiana, a security program, was told immediately so member groups were aware of the possible threat.

Officials of the federation said, "Safety and security for our community is of the utmost importance, and we are more secure and prepared than ever before."

It called the attack on an anti-Semitic group an "ironic misidentification."

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