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Hundreds Dead in Afghanistan Flooding

Afghan flood victims. EPA
Afghan flood victims. EPA

The United Nation’s World Food Program announced this weekend that at least 300 individuals have died, and more than 4,000 homes were destroyed or damaged in flash flooding that hit northern Afghanistan.

The death toll comes as heavy rains hit Baghlan province on Friday.

Videos on social media have shown substantial destruction in the area because of heavier than usual precipitation levels that have been ongoing since April.

The BBC reported that rising water levels have closed many roads that connect the affected areas to the capital of Kabul, making rescue attempts more challenging.

The country has faced difficulties in procuring international assistance in the past few years over concerns about the ruling Taliban’s restriction on women working for aid organizations.

Weather-related casualties were also identified in the provinces of Badakhshan, Ghor, Herat, and Takhar.

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