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Tehran Launches New Warship as Caspian Fleet Grows

Screen capture from a video of the Iranian navy destroyer Deilaman. twitter.com
Screen capture from a video of the Iranian navy destroyer Deilaman. twitter.com

On Monday, the Iran regime’s naval forces unveiled a new destroyer with the capability to launch cruise missiles for its Caspian Sea fleet, according to state media reports.

Iranian military sources have stated that the 1,400-ton Deilaman boasts a length of almost 312 feet, and can operate its weapons systems while cruising at a speed of 30 knots.

The vessel is reported to be the sixth warship commissioned by Iran for service in the Caspian, the world’s largest inland body of water. Iran shares shoreline borders with Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.

During the launching ceremony, Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri emphasized that Iran's increased naval strength in the area would enhance the security of the country’s commercial fleets and provide protection against future 'incidents.'

Despite Russia holding the dominant maritime position in the region, Iran has been striving to bolster its strength there in recent years. Currently, Tehran operates three navy bases situated along their coastline.

In April, The Wall Street Journal reported that Moscow has used the waterway to transfer artillery shells and other munitions from Iranian sources to its armed forces in Ukraine.

Related Story: Iran Sent 300,000 Artillery Shells to Russia via Caspian Sea: Report

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