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TikTok to Regulate Third Party AI Content

TikTok has more than 1 billion monthly users.

TikTok announced on Thursday that the popular Chinese social media application will label any content made with artificial intelligence that is created by third-party users.

“AI enables incredible creative opportunities, but can confuse or mislead viewers if they don’t know content was AI-generated,” the company said in a statement.

The platform also stated that it has been enforcing similar restrictions for material created by its own software.

TikTok also disclosed that it will join the Content Authenticity Initiative, a group of leading tech companies that have agreed to develop industry moderation for AI use. Amazon, Google, Meta, and Microsoft have reportedly entered into the accord.

The new policy comes as U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order in October directing the Commerce Department to create guidelines for the ‘watermarking’ of pictures, recordings, and videos that were created with the help of the technology.

On May 7, TikTok’s parent company, Byte Dance, sued the U.S. government over a new law that would force its sale over national security concerns, including allegations that Beijing used the platform to influence America’s 2022 midterm elections.

Related Story: Experts Cheer Bill Compelling Chinese Parent Company to Offload TikTok

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