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Trump Foreign Policy Team Meets with Officials in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former U.S. President Donald Trump. Kobi Gideon/GPO
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former U.S. President Donald Trump. Kobi Gideon/GPO

Three foreign policy aides to former President Donald Trump met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, according to a report by Reuters.

A source told the news agency that the group consisted of former Ambassador to Switzerland Ed McMullen, former National Security Advisor Robert O’Brian, and former Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates John Rakolta.

In addition to the meeting with Netanyahu, the individuals are reportedly scheduled to visit opposition leader Yair Lapid and several other officials in Jerusalem.

The report stated that the purpose of the trip was to gauge the current stability of the governing coalition in the Knesset, as it has been in some internal turmoil since the war in Gaza started seven months ago.

It was unclear what specific topics were discussed, as Reuters maintained that they arrived on their own accord, and the former president had no message to deliver.

Also on Monday, the Jewish state was dealt the news that the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court announced that he would be asking the institution to charge Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with crimes associated with the country’s current military operations in Gaza.

The Israeli government strongly denies all the allegations made by the Netherlands-based organization.

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