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Trump Promises to Deport Foreign Pro-Hamas Protesters


The Washington Post reported on Monday that former President Donald Trump told supporters at a May fund-raising event in New York that he would expel foreign students involved in the pro-Hamas protests that have besieged many U.S. universities since the start of the October war in Gaza.

Trump reportedly said that he would identify such individuals and “throw them out of the country,” because “as soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave.”

During the meeting, at least one attendee was said to have complained that some of the antisemitic demonstrators might someday be elected to public office and could convert their views into public policy. In response to this, Trump was quoted as assuring the concerned individual that he would fight the “radical revolution” that he feels “has to be stopped now.”

The comments come as the former president has previously threatened to deport “resident aliens” who joined the “pro-jihadist protest” if he were to be re-elected in November.

Related Story: More Than 2,000 Arrested so Far at Pro-Palestinian Protests on U.S. College Campuses: AP

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