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Warsaw’s Main Synagogue Firebombed, Teenage Suspect in Custody

The synagogue was the only one in Warsaw to have survived the Holocaust.
Damage from is visible on the synagogue's wall. AP
Damage from is visible on the synagogue’s wall. AP

Poland’s chief rabbi said on Wednesday that the Nożyk Synagogue, Warsaw’s main Jewish house of worship, was attacked with firebombs.

Rabbi Michael Schudrich reported that at approximately 1 a.m., the synagogue was hit with three incendiary devices that “by tremendous luck or miracle” did minimal damage. No injuries were reported because of the incident.

Polish law enforcement authorities announced later in the day that they had detained a 16-year-old citizen in connection with the arson. It is unknown if they are investigating any other suspects.

"There is no place for anti-Semitism in Poland! There is no place for hatred in Poland," the country’s president, Andrzej Duda, said of the matter.

Violence against Jews and Jewish institutions has risen worldwide since the October massacre in southern Israel by Hamas terrorists and the subsequent war in Gaza.

The U.S. and Israeli ambassadors to Poland were seen with government officials at the crime scene after the event.

Related Story: Attempted Firebombing at Synagogue in Berlin

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